There two main options:
Implement an SWD programming connector. Basically the pins GND, SWDIO, SWCLK and preferably 3.3V are made available. No resisters are needed. You can fit a 4 pin header, an official 10 pin SWD connector or just 4 pads (for connecting using an adapter with pogo pins).
This option requires an SWD debug adapter like ST-Link or J-Link. In addition to uploading firmware, this option supports debugging.
Make the USART (RX, TX) pins plus GND and 3.3V available on the board. This option requires a USB-to-serial adapter.
It's also possible to use I2C or SPI instead, though there are no standard solutions for connecting to your board that I'm aware of.
USB isn't an option for this particular chip. It is supported on many of the more expensive STM32 chips though.
I strongly recommend the first option. It is far more versatile than the other options. And an ST-Link adapter isn't expensive.
Details regarding the bootloader capabilities and pins: