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torch/tds: Torch C data structures

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C 61.5%


Data structures which do not rely on Lua memory allocator, nor being limited by Lua garbage collector.

Only C types can be stored: supported types are currently number, strings, the data structures themselves (see nesting: e.g. it is possible to have a Hash containing a Hash or a Vec), and torch tensors and storages. All data structures can store heterogeneous objects, and support torch serialization.

It is easy to extend the support to other C types.

Note that tds relies currently on FFI, and works both with luajit or Lua 5.2, provided the latter is installed with luaffi. The dependency on FFI will be removed in the future.

## d = tds.Hash([tbl]) ##

Creates a hash table which implements the lua operators [key], # and pairs(), and in very similar way than lua tables.

A hash can contain any element (either as key or value) supported by tds.

If a lua table tbl is provided, the Hash will be filled up with corresponding elements. Tables inside the tbl will be also converted (recursively) to tds.Vec (if they contain only number keys) or tds.Hash otherwise.

d[key] = value

Store the given (key, value) pair in the hash table. If value is nil, remove the key if it exists.


Returns the value at the given key, and nil if the key does not exist in the hash table.


Returns the number of key-value pairs in the hash table. Note that this acts different than lua tables, the latter returning the number of elements stored in numbered indices starting from 1.


Returns an iterator over the hash table d. The iterator returns a key-value pair at each step, or nil if reaching the end. Typical usage will be:

for k,v in pairs(d) do
  -- <do something>

Note: as for Lua standard tables, the iterator behavior is undefined if a new key is inserted in the hash while iterating. Modifying existing keys is however allowed.

## d = tds.Vec([... || tbl]) ##

Creates a vector of elements indexed by numbers starting from 1. If a single lua table tbl (or several arguments) is (are) passed at construction, the vector will be filled with the lua table contents (or the given arguments).

If provided, tbl must contain only number keys. Tables inside the tbl (or passed as arguments) will also be converted (recursively) to tds.Vec (if they contain only number keys) or tds.Hash otherwise.

A vector can contain any element (as value) supported by tds, as well as the nil value.

d[index] = value

Store the given value at the given index (which must be a positive number). If the index is larger than the current size of the vector, the vector will be automatically resized. value may be nil.


Returns the value at the given index or nil if it does not exist.


Returns the current size of the vector (note that it includes nil values, which are not treated as holes!).


Resize the current vector to the given size. If the size is larger than the current size, the vector will be filled with nil values.

d:insert([index], value)

Insert value in the vector, at position index, shifting up all elements above index. If index is not provided, insert the element at the end of the vector.


Remove the element at position index, shifting down all elements above index. If index is not provided, remove the last element of the vector.


Sort the vector in-place, according to the given compare function.

Compare can be either a lua function or a C function.

In the lua case, compare is a function which takes two vector elements, and returns true when the first is less than the second.

If the C case, compare must be a FFI type int (*compare)(const tds_elem *, const tds_elem *). It must return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second. See the include file tds_elem.h for more details about the tds_elem structure.

Note that having compare as a lua function will lead to a (relatively) slow sort: elements of the vector will need to be moved in the lua userland (and thus handled by the GC) in order to be compared.

In the FFI case, compare might be a FFI callback, but will also lead to a slow sort, FFI callbacks being slow. Fastest speed are obtained when compare is a true compiled C function loaded through FFI.

### d:concat([sep, i, j]) ###

Concat all vector elements into a single string. Fails if an element cannot be converted via tostring().

sep is an optional separator string inserted between each elements.

i and j define an optional range (by default i=1 and j is the size of the vector).

d:concatstorage([sep, i, j])

As concat(), but returns a torch.CharStorage() instead.


Returns an iterator over the vector d. The iterator returns a index-value pair at each step, or nil if reaching the end. Typical usage will be:

for i,v in pairs(d) do
  -- <do something>


Alias for ipairs(d).

## Serialization ##

All tds data structures support torch serialization. Example:

tds = require 'tds'
require 'torch'

-- create a vector containing heterogeneous data
d = tds.Vec(4, 5, torch.rand(3), nil, "hello world")

-- serialize in a buffer
f = torch.MemoryFile("rw")

-- unserialize

The example will output:

    1 : 4
    2 : 5
    3 :  0.1665
        [torch.DoubleTensor of size 3]

    4 : nil
    5 : hello world
## Nesting ##

Nesting is supported in tds. However, reference loops are prohibited, and will lead to leaks if used.


tds = require 'tds'
require 'torch'

-- create a vector containing heterogeneous data
d = tds.Vec(4, 5, torch.rand(3), tds.Hash(), "hello world")

-- fill up the hash table:
d[4].foo = "bar"
d[4][6] = torch.rand(3)
d[4].stuff = tds.Vec("how", "are", "you", "doing")


This example will output:

    1 : 4
    2 : 5
    3 :  0.1958
        [torch.DoubleTensor of size 3]

    4 : tds.Hash[3]{
        foo   : bar
        6     :  0.0105
                [torch.DoubleTensor of size 3]

        stuff : tds.Vec[4]{
                    1 : how
                    2 : are
                    3 : you
                    4 : doing
    5 : hello world
## Extending to other C types ##

tds provides a way to extend to your own C types using the submodule tds.elem:

local elem = require 'tds.elem'


tds typechecking is achieved using this function. You can override it for your own purposes. If torch is detected, tds will set elem.type to torch.typename(), so in general (if you are using torch!) you should not worry about this part.

elem.addctype(ttype, free_p, setfunc, getfunc)

Add a new C type into tds:

  • ttype must be the typename understood by the current elem.type() function.
  • free_p is a C FFI pointer to a destructor of the C object.
  • setfunc(luaobj) takes a lua object and returns a FFI C pointer on this object, as well as a FFI function free_p to free this object.
  • getfunc(cpointer) takes a C FFI pointer and returns a lua object of the corresponding object.

One must be careful to handle properly reference counting and garbage collection in setfunc() and getfunc():

  • setfunc() will convert a lua object into a C pointer which will be stored into the data structure: the reference count on this object must be increased. When removed from the data structure, tds will call the given free_p() function.
  • getfunc() will convert a C pointer and push it into lua memory space: one must again increase properly the reference count on this object, and make sure lua will garbage collect it properly.

Here is a typical example showing how support for tds.Hash elements is supported:

         return lelem,  C.tds_hash_free
         local lelem = ffi.cast('tds_hash&', lelem_p)
         ffi.gc(lelem, C.tds_hash_free)
         return lelem













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