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Java CloudCredentials类代码示例

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: [db:来源] 收藏 邀请

本文整理汇总了Java中org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java CloudCredentials类的具体用法?Java CloudCredentials怎么用?Java CloudCredentials使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: setUpWithNonEmptyConstructorWithoutLuck

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Failed attempt to instantiate CloudControllerClientImpl with existing constructors. Just here to illustrate the
 * need to move the initialize() method out of the constructor.
public void setUpWithNonEmptyConstructorWithoutLuck() throws Exception {
    restUtil = mock(RestUtil.class);
    when(restUtil.createRestTemplate(any(HttpProxyConfiguration.class), false)).thenReturn(restTemplate);
    when(restUtil.createOauthClient(any(URL.class), any(HttpProxyConfiguration.class), false)).thenReturn

    restUtil.createRestTemplate(null, false);
    restUtil.createOauthClient(new URL(CCNG_API_URL), null, false);

    controllerClient = new CloudControllerClientImpl(new URL("http://api.dummyendpoint.com/login"),
            restTemplate, oauthClient, loggregatorClient,
            new CloudCredentials(CCNG_USER_EMAIL, CCNG_USER_PASS),

示例2: getCloudFoundryOperations

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
public CloudFoundryOperations getCloudFoundryOperations(CloudCredentials credentials, URL url, CloudSpace session,
		boolean selfSigned) {

	// Proxies are always updated on each client call by the
	// CloudFoundryServerBehaviour Request as well as the client login
	// handler
	// therefore it is not critical to set the proxy in the client on
	// client
	// creation

	HttpProxyConfiguration proxyConfiguration = getProxy(url);
	//@ TODO tentatively set selfSigned = true
	selfSigned = true;
	return session != null ? new CloudFoundryClient(credentials, url, session, selfSigned)
			: new CloudFoundryClient(credentials, url, proxyConfiguration, selfSigned);

示例3: login

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static CloudFoundryOperations login(CloudCredentials credentials, URL apiUrl, String space, String org, String domain, boolean trustSelfSignedCerts, HttpProxyConfiguration httpProxyConfiguration) {

		logger.info("Running on " + apiUrl + " on behalf of " + credentials.getEmail());
		logger.info("Using space " + space + " of organization " + org + " with domain " + domain);
		if (httpProxyConfiguration != null) {
			logger.info("Using proxy to connnect to clound foundry: httpProxyHost=" + httpProxyConfiguration.getProxyHost() + " httpProxyPort=" + httpProxyConfiguration.getProxyPort() );
		else {
			logger.info("Connection to clound foundry will not use proxy. no proxy is set. ");
		CloudFoundryClient clientWithinTargetSpace = new CloudFoundryClient(credentials, apiUrl, org, space, httpProxyConfiguration,
		// getOrCreateDomain(domain);
		return clientWithinTargetSpace;

示例4: setUp

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void setUp() {
	cfClient = CFClientFactory.login(new CloudCredentials(cfAdapter.getEmail(), cfAdapter.getPassword()), cfAdapter.getTarget(), cfAdapter.getSpace(), cfAdapter.getOrg(),
			cfAdapter.getDomain(), cfAdapter.trustSelfSignedCerts, httpProxyConfiguration());
	List<CloudApplication> applications = cfClient.getApplications();
	for (CloudApplication application : applications) {
		if (application.getName().contains(getTestAppName())) {
		List<String> boundServices = application.getServices();
		List<String> services = boundServices;
		for (String service : services) {
		clearDomain(getTestDomainName(), true);
		clearDomain(getDefaultDomain(), false);
	cfAdapter.addDomain(getTestDomainName(), cfDefaultSpace);

示例5: run

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
    String msg = StringUtil.format("Testing connection to \"{0}\"...", _server); // $NLX-PreferencePage.Testingconnectionto0-1$
    monitor.beginTask(msg, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN);
    try {
        CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials(_userName, _password);
        CloudFoundryClient client = new CloudFoundryClient(credentials, URI.create(_server).toURL());
    } catch (Throwable e) {       
        throw new InvocationTargetException(e);
    if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
        throw new InterruptedException();

示例6: initialiseClient

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static void initialiseClient() throws IOException {
    // Skip all tests of this class if no test CF platform is specified

    String fullTarget = TEST_TARGET;
    if (!fullTarget.startsWith("https://")) {
        if (!fullTarget.startsWith("api.")) {
            fullTarget = "https://api." + fullTarget;
        } else {
            fullTarget = "https://" + fullTarget;
    URL targetUrl = new URL(fullTarget);

    CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials(TEST_USERNAME, TEST_PASSWORD);
    client = new CloudFoundryClient(credentials, targetUrl, TEST_ORG, TEST_SPACE);

示例7: CloudControllerClientImpl

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
public CloudControllerClientImpl(URL cloudControllerUrl, RestTemplate restTemplate, OauthClient oauthClient,
    LoggregatorClient loggregatorClient, CloudCredentials cloudCredentials, CloudSpace sessionSpace) {
    logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass().getName());

    initialize(cloudControllerUrl, restTemplate, oauthClient, loggregatorClient, cloudCredentials);

    this.sessionSpace = sessionSpace;

示例8: updatePassword

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void updatePassword(CloudCredentials credentials, String newPassword) {
    oauthClient.changePassword(credentials.getPassword(), newPassword);
    CloudCredentials newCloudCredentials = new CloudCredentials(credentials.getEmail(), newPassword);
    if (cloudCredentials.getProxyUser() != null) {
        cloudCredentials = newCloudCredentials.proxyForUser(cloudCredentials.getProxyUser());
    } else {
        cloudCredentials = newCloudCredentials;

示例9: newCloudController

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
public CloudControllerClient newCloudController(URL cloudControllerUrl, CloudCredentials cloudCredentials, CloudSpace sessionSpace) {
    LoggregatorClient loggregatorClient = new LoggregatorClient(trustSelfSignedCerts);

    return new CloudControllerClientImpl(cloudControllerUrl, restTemplate, oauthClient, loggregatorClient, cloudCredentials,

示例10: init

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void init(CloudCredentials credentials) {
    if (credentials != null) {
        this.credentials = credentials;

        if (credentials.getToken() != null) {
            this.token = credentials.getToken();
        } else {
            this.token = createToken(credentials.getEmail(), credentials.getPassword(), credentials.getClientId(),

示例11: createClient

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected Pair<CloudFoundryOperations, TokenProvider> createClient(CloudCredentials credentials) {
    CloudControllerClientFactory factory = new CloudControllerClientFactory(null, configuration.shouldSkipSslValidation());
    OauthClient oauthClient = createOauthClient();
    CloudControllerClient controllerClient = factory.newCloudController(configuration.getTargetURL(), credentials, null, oauthClient);
    return new Pair<CloudFoundryOperations, TokenProvider>(new CloudFoundryClientExtended(controllerClient),
        new CloudFoundryTokenProvider(oauthClient));

示例12: getSessionSpace

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected CloudSpace getSessionSpace(CloudCredentials credentials, String orgName, String spaceName) {
    // There are two constructors, which can be used to create a CF client. The first accepts a session space object. The second accepts
    // the org and space names of the session space and attempts to compute it from them. The computation operation is implemented in an
    // incredibly inefficient way, however. This is why here, we create a client without a session space (null) and we use it to compute
    // the session space in a better way (by using the CFOptimizedSpaceGetter). After we do that, we can create a CF client with the
    // computed session space.
    CloudFoundryOperations clientWithoutSessionSpace = createClient(credentials)._1;
    CloudSpace sessionSpace = new CFOptimizedSpaceGetter().findSpace(clientWithoutSessionSpace, orgName, spaceName);
    Assert.notNull(sessionSpace, "No matching organization and space found for org: " + orgName + " space: " + spaceName);
    return sessionSpace;

示例13: createCloudFoundryClient

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
public CloudFoundryClient createCloudFoundryClient(OAuth2AccessToken token, URL cloudControllerUrl, String org, String space) {
    CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials(token, false);
    if (httpProxyConfiguration == null) {
        return new CloudFoundryClient(credentials, cloudControllerUrl, org, space);
    return new CloudFoundryClient(credentials, cloudControllerUrl, org, space, httpProxyConfiguration);

示例14: createStandaloneClient

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * @return standalone client based on the harness credentials, org and
 * space. This is not the client used by the server instance, but a new
 * client for testing purposes only.
public static CloudFoundryOperations createStandaloneClient(HarnessProperties prop) throws CoreException {

	try {
		return CloudFoundryPlugin.getCloudFoundryClientFactory().getCloudFoundryOperations(
				new CloudCredentials(prop.getUsername(), prop.getPassword()), new URL(prop.getApiUrl()),
				prop.getOrg(), prop.getSpace(), prop.skipSslValidation());
	catch (MalformedURLException e) {
		throw CloudErrorUtil.toCoreException(e);

示例15: getCloudInfo

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
public CFInfo getCloudInfo() throws CoreException {
	if (cachedInfo == null) {
		CloudFoundryServer cloudServer = behaviour.getCloudFoundryServer();
		cachedInfo = new CFInfo(new CloudCredentials(cloudServer.getUsername(), cloudServer.getPassword()),
				cloudServer.getUrl(), cloudServer.getProxyConfiguration(), cloudServer.isSelfSigned());
	return cachedInfo;

示例16: getCloudFoundryOperations

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
public CloudFoundryOperations getCloudFoundryOperations(CloudCredentials credentials, URL url, CloudSpace session,
		boolean selfSigned) {

	// Proxies are always updated on each client call by the
	// CloudFoundryServerBehaviour Request as well as the client login
	// handler
	// therefore it is not critical to set the proxy in the client on
	// client
	// creation

	HttpProxyConfiguration proxyConfiguration = getProxy(url);
	return session != null ? new CloudFoundryClient(credentials, url, session, selfSigned)
			: new CloudFoundryClient(credentials, url, proxyConfiguration, selfSigned);

示例17: getCloudInfo

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
public CFInfo getCloudInfo() throws CoreException {
	// cache the info to avoid frequent network connection to Cloud Foundry.
	if (cachedInfo == null) {
		CloudFoundryServer cloudServer = behaviour.getCloudFoundryServer();
		cachedInfo = new CFInfo(new CloudCredentials(cloudServer.getUsername(), cloudServer.getPassword()),
				cloudServer.getUrl(), cloudServer.getProxyConfiguration(), cloudServer.isSelfSigned());
	return cachedInfo;

示例18: reestablishSsoSessionIfNeeded

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Called by getClient(...) to prompt the user and reacquire token with
 * passcode, if an exception occurs while connecting with SSO
private void reestablishSsoSessionIfNeeded(CloudFoundryException e, CloudFoundryServer cloudServer)
		throws CoreException {
	// Status Code: 401 / Description = Invalid Auth Token, or;
	// Status Code: 403 / Description: Access token denied.
	if (cloudServer.isSso()
			&& (e.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED || e.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN)) {
		boolean result = CloudFoundryPlugin.getCallback().ssoLoginUserPrompt(cloudServer);
		if (client != null) {
			// Success: another thread has established the client.

		if (result) {
			// Client is null but the login did succeed, so recreate w/ new
			// token stored in server
			CloudCredentials credentials = CloudUtil.createSsoCredentials(cloudServer.getPasscode(),
			client = createClientWithCredentials(cloudServer.getUrl(), credentials,
					cloudServer.getCloudFoundrySpace(), cloudServer.isSelfSigned());

	// Otherwise, rethrow the exception
	throw e;


示例19: createClientWithCredentials

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Creates a new client to the specified server URL using the given
 * credentials. This does NOT connect the client to the server, nor does it
 * set the client as the session client for the server behaviour. The
 * session client is set indirectly via {@link #connect(IProgressMonitor)}
 * @param serverURL server to connect to. Must NOT be null.
 * @param credentials must not be null.
 * @param cloudSpace optional. Can be null, as a client can be created
 * without specifying an org/space (e.g. a client can be created for the
 * purpose of looking up all the orgs/spaces in a server)
 * @param selfSigned true if connecting to a server with self signed
 * certificate. False otherwise
 * @return non-null client.
 * @throws CoreException if failed to create client.
private static CloudFoundryOperations createClientWithCredentials(String serverURL, CloudCredentials credentials,
		CloudFoundrySpace cloudSpace, boolean selfSigned) throws CoreException {

	URL url;
	try {
		url = new URL(serverURL);
		int port = url.getPort();
		if (port == -1) {
			port = url.getDefaultPort();

		// If no cloud space is specified, use appropriate client factory
		// API to create a non-space client
		// NOTE that using a space API with null org and space will result
		// in errors as that API will
		// expect valid org and space values.
		return cloudSpace != null
				? CloudFoundryPlugin.getCloudFoundryClientFactory().getCloudFoundryOperations(credentials, url,
						cloudSpace.getOrgName(), cloudSpace.getSpaceName(), selfSigned)
				: CloudFoundryPlugin.getCloudFoundryClientFactory().getCloudFoundryOperations(credentials, url,
	catch (MalformedURLException e) {
		throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, CloudFoundryPlugin.PLUGIN_ID,
				"The server url " + serverURL + " is invalid: " + e.getMessage(), e)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

示例20: getClient

import org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudCredentials; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Gets the active client used by the behaviour for server operations.
 * However, clients are created lazily, and invoking it multipe times does
 * not recreate the client, as only one client is created per lifecycle of
 * the server behaviour (but not necessarily per connection session, as the
 * server behaviour may be created and disposed multiple times by the WST
 * framework). To use the server-stored credentials, pass null credentials.
 * <p/>
 * This API is not suitable to changing credentials. User appropriate API
 * for the latter like {@link #updatePassword(String, IProgressMonitor)}
protected synchronized DockerClient getClient(CloudCredentials credentials, IProgressMonitor monitor)
		throws CoreException {
	if (client == null) {
		DockerFoundryServer cloudServer = getCloudFoundryServer();

		DockerConnectionElement dockerConnElem = cloudServer.getDockerConnElem();
		if (dockerConnElem != null) {
			try {
				client = dockerConnElem.getDockerClient();
			catch (DockerCertificateException e) {
				// TODO Auto-generated catch block
		// String url = cloudServer.getUrl();
		// if (!cloudServer.hasCloudSpace()) {
		// throw
		// CloudErrorUtil.toCoreException(NLS.bind(Messages.ERROR_FAILED_CLIENT_CREATION_NO_SPACE,
		// cloudServer.getServerId()));
		// }
		// CloudFoundrySpace cloudFoundrySpace =
		// cloudServer.getCloudFoundrySpace();
		// if (credentials != null) {
		// client = createClient(url, credentials, cloudFoundrySpace,
		// cloudServer.getSelfSignedCertificate());
		// }
		// else {
		// String userName = getCloudFoundryServer().getUsername();
		// String password = getCloudFoundryServer().getPassword();
		// client = createClient(url, userName, password, cloudFoundrySpace,
		// cloudServer.getSelfSignedCertificate());
		// }
	return client;









Java BodyBuilder类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-21
Java InvalidCookieException类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-21





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