开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):Bernardo-MG/docs-maven-skin开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):CSS 69.0%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Docs Maven SkinA minimalist and responsive Bootstrap-based HTML5 skin for Maven Site, which will help to create documentation sites with Maven. It is easy to use, just remember to check the project documentation to find out how to set it up, and also to find out how the skin looks in an actual Maven Site. New projects may as well make use of the Library Maven Archetype which, among other features, takes advantage of this skin and shows how to set it up. The skin has been adapted from the static template Docs Bootstrap Template, which will be the visual reference to be followed by this project. Maven support: the skin only supports the Maven Site Plugin 3.6 onwards, due to changes to the way the velocity tools are loaded. Features
DemoThe project documentation makes use of the skin, it is always built with the latest release available. You can check the links just below this section. DocumentationDocumentation is always generated for the latest release, kept in the 'master' branch: Documentation is also generated from the latest snapshot, taken from the 'develop' branch: The documentation site sources come along the source code (as it is a Maven site), so it is always possible to generate them using the following Maven command:
The verify phase is required, as otherwise some of the reports won't be created. AcknowledgementThe project started as a fork of the Reflow Maven Skin, but it quickly became its own thing. Still, it owes much to that project. UsageAs any Maven Skin it is handled through the Maven Plugin. Check the docs for more concrete information. PrerequisitesAs a Maven Skin, the project requirements are very specific:
InstallingThe recommended way to install the project is by setting up your preferred dependencies manager. To get the configuration information for this check the Maven Central Repository. If for some reason manual installation is necessary, use the usual Maven installation command:
Reducing the Dependency ScopeThere is no need to add the skin as a dependency for the full project. Just add it to the Maven site plugin: <build>
<!-- Docs Maven Skin -->
</build> Setting Up the SkinRegister the skin into the site.xml file: <skin>
<version>[current version]</version>
</skin> Afterwards the skin will be used when generating the site. More detailed information can be found in the documentation. Including information for changing the theme. Running TestsIntegration tests are included in the project to verify various configurations. These can be run by using the usual Maven command:
They are run by using the Maven Invoker Plugin, and the configurations are included in the 'src/it' folder. Pay attention that the results from generating these tests are copied to the generated Maven Site by the Maven Resources Plugin. If using Eclipse the tests may not run, due to an incompatibility with the invoker. It is recommender running the tests through command line. CollaborateAny kind of help with the project will be well received, and there are two main ways to give such help:
Issues ManagementIssues are managed at the GitHub project issues tracker, where any Github user may report bugs or ask for new features. Getting the CodeIf you wish to fork or modify the code, visit the GitHub project page, where the latest versions are always kept. Check the 'master' branch for the latest release, and the 'develop' for the current, and stable, development version. LicenseThe project has been released under the MIT License. |