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in Technique[技术] by (71.8m points)

javascript - angularJS - add a Static option with ng-options

I am using ng-options to print all the options for a form in my angular app. I get the value directly from my database which gives me a list of countries:

<select ng-options="country.country for country in countries" ng-model="selectedCountry" ng-change="updateSelectedCountry(selectedCountry)" class="form-control">

Here when the page is loaded, the select doesnt show anything, i.e. there is no placeholder whereas I'd like to print a static value like "anywhere" without having to add it in my "countries" list.

I have tried this:

<select ng-options="country.country for country in countries" ng-model="selectedCountry" ng-change="updateSelectedCountry(selectedCountry)" class="form-control">

But it's not working

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?


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1 Answer

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by (71.8m points)

This is probably a late post but you should almost never use ng-repeat where ng-options is better suited like this case because new scopes are created in ng-repeat and thus you'd have more overhead.

The solution to your problem is well written in the angular docs and what you need looks somewhat like

<select ng-options="country.country for country in countries"
   <option value="" disabled>Anywhere</option>

With this angular uses the value="" to set a null value and starts iteration from after that value.

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