This sounds like the question asked (and answered) here.
To sum up Scott Barta's answer:
include ':module-custom-lib'
project(':module-custom-lib').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../../../libraryProject/workspace/projectSrc')
A's and B's build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile project(':module-custom-lib')
So, assuming a file structure like this:
+-- AndroidStudioProjects
| +-- CoreLibs
| +-- app (empty)
| +-- myJavaCoreLib
| +-- anotherJavaCoreLib
| +-- AndroidApp1
| +-- app
| +-- AndroidApp2
| +-- app
| +-- AndroidApp3
| +-- app
...the code would be:
include ':coreLib'
project(':coreLib').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../CoreLibs/myJavaCoreLib')
build.gradle in AndroidApp[1, 2 and 3] (your A's and B's):
compile project(':coreLib')