Having worked in a hotel and written the reservation system, hourly time is irrelevant as far
as billing goes. Everything is always charged by night. (Unless you plan to run a place that charges by the hour! ;-)) Check-in and check-out are operational considerations.
Do not use stored procuedures if you actually want to write a real reservation system.
It defeats the purpose of having a database.
Also, writing out dates like this is 2007-04-29 is really great way because not every one is from the same place and this is an international standard. Also notice, if you were to turn this into a string it will still be sorted correctly!
You need make a calandar table as MySQL does not have in built in functions to do it.
This procedure will build up dates for you.
drop table if exists calendar;
create table calendar
date_ date primary key
drop procedure fill_calendar;
delimiter $$
create procedure fill_calendar(start_date date, end_date date)
declare date_ date;
set date_=start_date;
while date_ < end_date do
insert into calendar values(date_);
set date_ = adddate(date_, interval 1 day);
end while;
end $$
delimiter ;
call fill_calendar('2007-1-1', '2007-12-31');
from: http://www.ehow.com/how_7571744_mysql-calendar-tutorial.html
drop table if exists rates;
create table rates
season varchar(100) primary key,
start_date date references calendar(date_),
end_date date references calendar(date_),
rate float
insert into rates values ('Low', '2007-01-01', '2007-04-30', 100.00);
insert into rates values ('High', '2007-05-01', '2007-08-31', 150.00);
insert into rates values ('Peak', '2007-09-01', '2007-12-21', 200.00);
select * from rates;
season start_date end_date rate
Low 2007-01-01 2007-04-30 100
High 2007-05-01 2007-08-31 150
Peak 2007-09-01 2007-12-21 200
I'm going to ignore the dates you have given in your question and the assume the client is not travelling backwards in time.
date_, rate
from calendar
join rates
on date_ >= start_date and date_ <= end_date
where date_ between '2007-04-29' and '2007-5-01'
date_ rate
2007-04-29 100
2007-04-30 100
2007-05-01 150
from calendar
join rates
on date_ >= start_date and date_ <= end_date
where date_ between '2007-04-29' and '2007-5-01'
And, as you can see the sql is quite concise and readable without resorting to functions or procedures. This will be able to scale properly and handle more complex questions. Also, it enables referential checking to be used since the data is table based.