This should get you started:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var course_data; // variable to hold data in once it is loaded
$.get('courses.xml', function(data) { // get the courses.xml file
course_data = data; // save the data for future use
// so we don't have to call the file again
var that = $('#courses'); // that = the courses select
$('course', course_data).each(function() { // find courses in data
// dynamically create a new option element
// make its text the value of the "title" attribute in the XML
// and append it to the courses select
}, 'xml'); // specify what format the request will return - XML
$('#courses').change(function() { // bind a trigger to when the
// courses select changes
var val = $(this).val(); // hold the select's new value
var that = $('#times').empty(); // empty the select of times
// and hold a reference in 'that'
$('course', course_data).filter(function() { // get all courses...
return val == $(this).attr('title'); // find the one chosen
}).find('time').each(function() { // find all the times...
// create a new option, set its text to the time, append to
// the times select
<select id='courses'>
<option value='0'>----------</option>
<select id='times'>
<option value='0'>----------</option>
What it is doing:
I am using $(document).ready();
to wait until the page is ready. Once it is, I am loading all the data from the file courses.xml
(which you would change to whatever returns your XML file). Once I get this data, I populate the courses <select>
with the value of all the courses in the XML. I then bind a trigger to fire everytime the courses <select>
is changed. When this happens, I find the course which was selected and loop through all its times appending them to the times <select>
Tested and works.