Let's start with the solution and explain it piece by piece.
#define FORWARDING_MEMBER_FUNCTION(Inner, inner, function, qualifiers)
typename... Args,
typename return_type = decltype(std::declval<Inner qualifiers>().function(std::declval<Args &&>()...))
constexpr decltype(auto) function(Args && ... args) qualifiers noexcept(
noexcept(std::declval<Inner qualifiers>().function(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) and
std::is_reference<return_type>::value or
) {
return static_cast<Inner qualifiers>(inner).function(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
#define FORWARDING_MEMBER_FUNCTIONS_CV(Inner, inner, function, reference)
FORWARDING_MEMBER_FUNCTION(Inner, inner, function, reference)
FORWARDING_MEMBER_FUNCTION(Inner, inner, function, const reference)
FORWARDING_MEMBER_FUNCTION(Inner, inner, function, volatile reference)
FORWARDING_MEMBER_FUNCTION(Inner, inner, function, const volatile reference)
#define FORWARDING_MEMBER_FUNCTIONS(Inner, inner, function)
FORWARDING_MEMBER_FUNCTIONS_CV(Inner, inner, function, &)
FORWARDING_MEMBER_FUNCTIONS_CV(Inner, inner, function, &&)
Inner represents the type of the object you are forwarding to, and inner represents its name. Qualifiers is the combination of const, volatile, &, and && that you need on your member function.
The noexcept specification is surprisingly complicated just because you need to handle the function call as well as constructing the return value. If the function you are forwarding returns a reference, you know it is safe (references are always noexcept constructible from the same type), but if the function returned by value, you need to make sure that object's move constructor is noexcept.
We were able to simplify this a little bit by using a defaulted template argument return_type, otherwise we would have had to spell out that return type twice.
We use the static_cast in the body of the function to handle properly adding cv and reference qualifiers to the contained type. This is not automatically picked up by reference qualifiers on the function.
Using inheritance instead of composition
Using private inheritance, the solution looks more like this:
struct Outer : private Inner {
using Inner::f;
This has the advantage of
- Readability
- Faster compile times
- Faster code in debug builds (nothing to inline)
- Not using up your constexpr recursion depth
- Not using up your template instantiation depth
- Working with returning non-movable types by value
- Working with forwarding to constructors