# Run some commands whenever any of a set of files changes (see USAGE below).
# Example:
# ./watching.pl foo.txt bar.txt do scp foo.txt remote.com:. and cat bar.txt
# To only do something to the file that changed, refer to it as {}.
$| = 1; # autoflush
my $p = position("do", @ARGV); # position of 1st occurrence of "do" in @ARGV.
if (@ARGV < 3 || $p == -1 || !($p >= 1 && $p < $#ARGV)) {
die "USAGE: watching FILE+ do COMMAND [ARGS] (and COMMAND [ARGS])*
my $cmdstr = join(' ', splice(@ARGV, $p+1)); # grab stuff after the "do"
my @cmds = split(/s+ands+/, $cmdstr);
pop(@ARGV); # remove the "do" on the end.
my @targets = @ARGV;
print "Watching {", join(' ', @targets), "} do (", join('; ', @cmds), "):
# initialize the %last hash for last mod time of each file.
for my $t (@targets) {
$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($t);
$last{$t} = $mtime;
my $i = 1;
while(1) {
if($i % (45*60) == 0) { print "."; }
for my $t (@targets) {
$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($t);
if ($mtime != $last{$t}) {
print "
for (@cmds) { my $tmp = $_; $tmp =~ s/{}/$t/g; system($tmp); }
$last{$t} = $mtime;
# Call like so: position($element, @list).
sub position {
my $x = shift;
if(@_==0) { return -1; }
if($x eq $_[0]) { return 0; }
my $p = position($x,@_);
if($p==-1) { return -1; }
return 1+$p;