Java has pure options for force thread termination. It is ancient and deprecated Thread.stop() only (AFAIK). And no option for safe thread termination (what is why .stop() was deprecated, and allowed to be even not implemented by JVM implementors).
The reason is what all threads inside app shares memory and resources -- so, if you force termination of thread in some arbitrary point, you can't prove for sure what terminated thread does not left some shared memory/resources in inconsistent state. And you even can't (in general) suppose which resources are (possibly) dirty ('cos you dont know exactly at which point thread was stopped).
So, if you want some threads of your app to be able to interrupt, the only solution is to provide -- at design phase -- some notation of "savepoints" -- locations in target thread's code, which are guaranteed to not mutate shared state, so it is safe for thread to exit here. And it is exactly what Thread.stop() javadocs are telling you: the only way to interrupt thread safely is to design thread's code so it can by itself response to some kind of interrupt request. Some kind of flag, which is checked by thread from time to time.
I've trying to tell you: you can't do the thing you're asked about using java threading/concurrency. The way I may suggest you (it was given early here) is to do your job in separate process. Forcibly kill process is much more safe then thread since 1) processes are much more separated from each other and 2) OS takes care about many cleanups after process termination. Killing process is not completely safe, since there exists some kind of resources (files, for example) which is not cleared by OS by default, but in your case it seems to be safe.
So you design small separate application (may be even in java -- if your third-party lib does not provide other bindings, or even in shell-script) which only job is to make you computation. You start such process from main app, give it the job, and start watchdog. It watchdog detects timeout -- it kills process forcibly.
This is the only draft of solution. You can implement some kind of processes pool, if you want to improve performance (starting process may takes time), and so on...