Here is a working version of your plunker...
In Angular 1.2+, you don't need to declare the ng-animate directive anymore. Animations can be added with css alone. So for your example, you can remove the ng-animate directive and give the element a css class, so change...
<li ng-animate="'animate'" ng-repeat="name in names | filter:search">
<li class="animate" ng-repeat="name in names | filter:search">
and then update your css to ...,
..., {
..., {
Angular will simply add the ng-enter, ng-hide, ng-leave.. etc. classes to the element and remove them appropriately during the animation lifecycle, which will trigger the css animations. There is a list of which directives support which animation classes in the docs under 'Usage'. In this example, we are animating ng-repeat, so the ng-enter, ng-leave and ng-move classes will be added to our element at the appropriate time and we can attach animations to them with css.