I would use the pickler's documented support for persistent object references. Persistent object references are objects that are referenced by the pickle but not stored in the pickle.
ZODB has used this API for years, so it's very stable. When unpickling, you can replace the object references with anything you like. In your case, you would want to replace the object references with markers indicating that the objects could not be pickled.
You could start with something like this (untested):
import cPickle
def persistent_id(obj):
if isinstance(obj, wxObject):
return "filtered:wxObject"
return None
class FilteredObject:
def __init__(self, about):
self.about = about
def __repr__(self):
return 'FilteredObject(%s)' % repr(self.about)
def persistent_load(obj_id):
if obj_id.startswith('filtered:'):
return FilteredObject(obj_id[9:])
raise cPickle.UnpicklingError('Invalid persistent id')
def dump_filtered(obj, file):
p = cPickle.Pickler(file)
p.persistent_id = persistent_id
def load_filtered(file)
u = cPickle.Unpickler(file)
u.persistent_load = persistent_load
return u.load()
Then just call dump_filtered() and load_filtered() instead of pickle.dump() and pickle.load(). wxPython objects will be pickled as persistent IDs, to be replaced with FilteredObjects at unpickling time.
You could make the solution more generic by filtering out objects that are not of the built-in types and have no __getstate__
Update (15 Nov 2010): Here is a way to achieve the same thing with wrapper classes. Using wrapper classes instead of subclasses, it's possible to stay within the documented API.
from cPickle import Pickler, Unpickler, UnpicklingError
class FilteredObject:
def __init__(self, about):
self.about = about
def __repr__(self):
return 'FilteredObject(%s)' % repr(self.about)
class MyPickler(object):
def __init__(self, file, protocol=0):
pickler = Pickler(file, protocol)
pickler.persistent_id = self.persistent_id
self.dump = pickler.dump
self.clear_memo = pickler.clear_memo
def persistent_id(self, obj):
if not hasattr(obj, '__getstate__') and not isinstance(obj,
(basestring, int, long, float, tuple, list, set, dict)):
return "filtered:%s" % type(obj)
return None
class MyUnpickler(object):
def __init__(self, file):
unpickler = Unpickler(file)
unpickler.persistent_load = self.persistent_load
self.load = unpickler.load
self.noload = unpickler.noload
def persistent_load(self, obj_id):
if obj_id.startswith('filtered:'):
return FilteredObject(obj_id[9:])
raise UnpicklingError('Invalid persistent id')
if __name__ == '__main__':
from cStringIO import StringIO
class UnpickleableThing(object):
f = StringIO()
p = MyPickler(f)
p.dump({'a': 1, 'b': UnpickleableThing()})
u = MyUnpickler(f)
obj = u.load()
print obj
assert obj['a'] == 1
assert isinstance(obj['b'], FilteredObject)
assert obj['b'].about