When you surround sequelize.fn with brackets, you must also include a string as an alias:
[sequelize.fn('ST_Distance_Sphere', sequelize.literal('geolocation'), location), 'ALIASNAME']
Also, try changing ST_Distance
to ST_Distance_Sphere
. So:
const location = sequelize.literal(`ST_GeomFromText('POINT(${lng} ${lat})', 4326)`);
attributes: [[sequelize.fn('ST_Distance_Sphere', sequelize.literal('geolocation'), location),'distance']],
order: 'distance',
limit: 10,
logging: console.log
This is actually working for me.
obs: be sure you substitute 'User' with the model in which you have the geometry data type.
Update: If you still can't order using order: 'distance'
, maybe you should declare it in a var and use order: distance
without quotes, like this:
var lat = parseFloat(json.lat);
var lng = parseFloat(json.lng);
var attributes = Object.keys(User.attributes);
var location = sequelize.literal(`ST_GeomFromText('POINT(${lng} ${lat})')`);
var distance = sequelize.fn('ST_Distance_Sphere', sequelize.literal('geolocation'), location);
var query = {
attributes: attributes,
order: distance,
include: {model: Address, as: 'address'},
where: sequelize.where(distance, {$lte: maxDistance}),
logging: console.log
Update on distance accuracy:
The solution mentioned by sarikaya does seem to be more accurate. Here is how to do it using postgres:
var distance = sequelize.literal("6371 * acos(cos(radians("+lat+")) * cos(radians(ST_X(location))) * cos(radians("+lng+") - radians(ST_Y(location))) + sin(radians("+lat+")) * sin(radians(ST_X(location))))");