Final (hopefully :)
Summary of the first edit:
- DatePickerFormatter already implements a lookup strategy (or CompoundFormat, as suggested by @Robin)
- the lookup sequence for parsing is configurable by client code
- the idea is to try parsing starting with the first (typically the "longest"), if that fails try the next (typically "not-so-long") and so on until succeeded or a parseException is thrown
- for year parsing, SimpleDateFormat has rules that conflict with that longest-first lookup: it requires that "yy" is tried before "yyyy"
- doing so in datePicker has the unwanted side-effect of always showing the date with the short year format
The reason is DatePickerFormatter: it doesn't allow to specify the formatting format (simply uses the first). The way out is a custom DatePickerFormatter, which supports it (in the snippet, it's hardcoded to use the second):
SimpleDateFormat longFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "dd.MM.yyyy" );
SimpleDateFormat shortFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "dd.MM.yy" );
Date startDate = new Date( 0 );//01.01.1970
shortFormat.set2DigitYearStart( startDate );
DatePickerFormatter formatter = new DatePickerFormatter(
// invers sequence for parsing to satisfy the year parsing rules
new DateFormat[] {shortFormat, longFormat}) {
public String valueToString(Object value) throws ParseException {
if (value == null) return null;
return getFormats()[1].format(value);
} ;
DefaultFormatterFactory factory = new DefaultFormatterFactory(formatter );
Not entirely sure if we should support configuring the formatter in the base class. The DatePickerFormatter is a bit strange beast, not extending InternalFormatter and with the lookup process being a bit in competition with a FormatterFactory...
It's not exactly the datePicker which handles it that way, it's the core formatting (as D1e already noted). None of the default format/ter/s support two formats at the same time: to see, try to achieve your goal with a core JFormattedTextField :-)
The way out might be a FormatterFactory: it allows to use different formats, depending on context: display and edit - the latter is used when the field is focused, the former at all other times. As the picker's editor is a JFormattedTextField, you can configure it directly (instead of using the setFormats methods)
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat( "dd.MM.yyyy" );
SimpleDateFormat editFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "dd.MM.yy" );
final Date startDate = new Date( 0 );//01.01.1970
editFormat.set2DigitYearStart( instance.getTime() );
DefaultFormatterFactory factory = new DefaultFormatterFactory(
new DatePickerFormatter(new DateFormat[] {format}),
new DatePickerFormatter(new DateFormat[] {format}),
new DatePickerFormatter(new DateFormat[] {editFormat})
head banging after reading Robin's recent answer (+1!) - at last, embarassingly after years and years, I understand what SwingX' DatePickerFormatter is trying to do: that is to support a lookup chain of formatters (from longer to shorter), the longest used after committing, the shorter to ease the typing by users.
Unfortunately that doesn't work as intuitively expected. Given a sequence of formats, longer to shorter (and appropriately configured to the century):
"yyyy", "yy"
and given input
feels like being passed on from first to second, resulting in
but isn't. As documented (who reads documention ... lazy me, cough ...) in SimpleDateFormat
Year: [ ... ] For parsing, if the number of pattern letters is more than 2, the year is interpreted literally, regardless of the number of digits. So using the pattern "MM/dd/yyyy", "01/11/12" parses to Jan 11, 12 A.D.
At the end of the day - as DatePickerFormatter tries to support that lookup but isn't successful - this might be considered a SwingX problem, after all :-)