PCM (WAV) is uncompressed, so -b:a
is ignored.
The bitrate of WAV is directly affected by the sample rate, channel layout, and bits per sample.
Calculating PCM/WAV bitrate
Assuming 8000 samples per second, stereo channel layout, 16 bits per sample:
sample rate × number of channels × bits per sample = bitrate
8000 × 2 × 16 = 256000 bits/s, or 256 kb/s
Getting channels, sample rate, bit depth
You can just view the output of ffmpeg -i input.wav
or use ffprobe
for a more concise output:
$ ffprobe -loglevel error -select_streams a -show_entries stream=sample_rate,channels,bits_per_sample -of default=nw=1 input.wav
Changing the bitrate
Bitrate should not be a consideration when using WAV. If bitrate is a problem then WAV is the wrong choice for you. That being said, you can change the bitrate by changing:
- The sample rate (
- The number of channels (
- The bit depth. For PCM/WAV the bit depth is the number listed in the encoder name:
-c:a pcm_s24le
, -c:a pcm_s16le
, -c:a pcm_u8
, etc. See ffmpeg -encoders
Examples for 128 kb/s (this will probably sound bad):
ffmpeg -i input.wav -ar 8000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le output.wav
ffmpeg -i input.wav -ar 8000 -ac 2 -c:a pcm_s8 output.wav
Another option is to use a lossless compressed format. The quality will be the same as WAV but the file size can be significantly smaller. Example for FLAC:
$ ffmpeg -i audio.wav audio.flac
$ ls -alh audio.wav audio.flac
6.1M audio.flac
11M audio.wac