The constant memory size is 64 KB for compute capability 1.0-3.0 devices. The cache working set is only 8KB (see the CUDA Programming Guide v4.2 Table F-2).
Constant memory is used by the driver, compiler, and variables declared __device__ __constant__
. The driver uses constant memory to communicate parameters, texture bindings, etc. The compiler uses constants in many of the instructions (see disassembly).
Variables placed in constant memory can be read and written using the host runtime functions cudaMemcpyToSymbol()
and cudaMemcpyFromSymbol()
(see the CUDA Programming Guide v4.2 section B.2.2). Constant memory is in device memory but is accessed through the constant cache.
On Fermi texture, constant, L1 and I-Cache are all level 1 caches in or around each SM. All level 1 caches access device memory through the L2 cache.
The 64 KB constant limit is per CUmodule which is a CUDA compilation unit. The concept of CUmodule is hidden under the CUDA runtime but accessible by the CUDA Driver API.