I understand your question as: why is there a guarantee that the enum constants will be initialised before the static block is run. The answer is given in the JLS, and a specific example is given in #, with the following explanation:
static initialization occurs top to bottom.
and the enums constants are implicitly final static and are declared before the static initializer block.
The behaviour is not different from a normal class. The code below prints:
In constructor: PLUS
PLUS == null MINUS == null
In constructor: MINUS
PLUS != null MINUS == null
In static initialiser
PLUS != null MINUS != null
In constructor: after static
PLUS != null MINUS != null
public class Operation {
private final static Operation PLUS = new Operation("PLUS");
private final static Operation MINUS = new Operation("MINUS");
static {
System.out.println("In static initialiser");
System.out.print("PLUS = " + PLUS);
System.out.println("MINUS = " + MINUS);
public Operation(String s) {
System.out.println("In constructor: " + s);
System.out.print("PLUS = " + PLUS);
System.out.println("MINUS = " + MINUS);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Operation afterStatic = new Operation ("after static");