Edit: update due to more info provided about test2.htm (the page being loaded)
Original answer (for historical purposes): I don't actually see any leaks in the code/markup you have provided - is it possible the leak is in Test2.htm (which you haven't provided the code/markup for)?
New answer:
I would suggest that it it probably due to either multiple loads of jQuery, or other scripts you have in test2.htm.
Assuming jQuery does not leak by simply instantiating and then nullifying jQuery
and $
, loading multiple times will keep at least 2 copies of jQuery in memory. When loaded, jQuery keeps a backup of any previous versions of $
and jQuery
in _$
and _jQuery
- so you are going to have at least 2 copies of jQuery loaded when you use load() multiple times.
The above assumption is most likely not correct however - there is every chance that jQuery has leaks even if you "unload" it by setting $
and _jQuery
to null
- it's not really intended to be loaded multiple times like that (however I'm sure that they allow it intentionally, so you can use noConflict()
to load and use two different versions of jQuery if necessary).
You can add a "selector" to a load URL. For example:
$("#Test1").load("Test2.htm body", null, function() {
//callback does nothing
$("#Test1").load("Test2.htm div#the_Div_I_Want", null, function() {
//callback does nothing
I would suggest doing this if you are not interested in any scripts in the ajax result, or alternatively if you do want scripts, you'd need to choose a selector to disable only certain elements/scripts, e.g.
/* load with selector "all elements except scripts whose
src attribute ends in 'jquery.js'" */
$("#Test1").load("Test2.htm :not(script[src$='jquery.js'])", null, function() {
//callback does nothing
Also of note is that if you leave out the "data" argument (you have it as null
), and provide a function as the second argument, jQuery will correctly determine that the second argument is the callback, so
$("#Test1").load("Test2.htm :not(script[src$='jquery.js'])", function() {
//callback does nothing
is acceptible