It is not difficult to write a custom labeling procedure, and with most real problems you will eventually need one anyway in order to incorporate problem-specific heuristics.
The two main components of a labeling procedure are
- variable selection: from all the remaining (i.e. not yet instantiated) problem variables, pick one to consider next.
- value selection or branching: explore, via backtracking, two or more alternative sub-problems by reducing the chosen variable's domain in (usually) complementary ways.
Using this scheme, the default labeling procedure can be written as
label(Xs) :-
( select_variable(X, Xs, Xs1) ->
true % done, no variables left
select_variable(X, [X|Xs], Xs). % 'leftmost' strategy
branch(X) :- indomain(X).
You can now redefine select_variable/3
to implement techniques such as "first-fail", and redefine branch/1
to try domain values in different orders. As long as you make sure that branch/1
enumerates all of X
's domain values on backtracking, your search remains complete.
Sometimes you want to try just one domain value first (say, one suggested by a heuristics), but, if it is no good, not commit to another value immediately.
Let's say that, as in your example, you want to try the maximum domain value first. You could write this as
branch(X) :-
fd_sup(X, Xmax),
X = Xmax % try the maximum
X #= Xmax % otherwise exclude the maximum
Because the two cases are complementary and cover all possible values for X, your search is still complete. However, because of the second alternative, branch/1
can now succeed with an uninstantiated X
, which means you must make sure in the labeling procedure that you don't lose this variable from your list. One possibility would be:
label(Xs) :-
( select_variable(X, Xs, Xs1) ->
( var(X) -> append(Xs1, [X], Xs2) ; Xs2=Xs1 ),
true % done, no variables left