evaluates the string input as JavaScript and coincidentally JavaScript supports calculations and understands 1+1
, which makes it suitable as a calculator.
If you don't want to use eval
, which is good, you have to parse that string yourself and, finally, do the computation yourself (not exactly yourself though). Have a look at this math processor, which does what you want.
Basically what you do is:
- Read the input string char by char (with this kind of problem it's still possible)
- Building a tree of actions you want to do
- At the end of the string, you evaluate the tree and do some calculations
For example you have "1+2/3"
, this could evaluate to the following data structure:
"1" "/"
"2" "3"
You could then traverse that structure from top to bottom and do the computations.
At first you've got the "+"
, which has a 1 on the left side and some expression on the right side,
so you have to evaluate that expression first. So you go to the "/"
node, which has two numeric children. Knowing that, you can now compute 2/3
and replace the whole "/"
node with the result of that. Now you can go up again and compute the result of the "+
" node: 1 + 0.66
. Now you replace that node with the result and all you've got left is the result of the expression.
Some pseudo code on how this might look in your code:
calculation(operator, leftValue, rightValue):
switch operator {
case '+': return leftValue + rightValue
case '-': return 42
node.value = calculation(node.operator, action(node.left) action(node.right))
As you might have noticed, the tree is designed in such a way that it honors operator precedence. The /
has a lower level than the +
, which means it get's evaluated first.
However you do this in detail, that's basically the way to go.