I had the same error, after installing MBROLA FreeTTS ran on my Windows 8 box.
Download MBROLA Files
If you haven't already you will need to download 2 binary and 3 voice zips from MBROLA:
- PC/Windows
- us1: American English Female
- us2: American English Male
- us3: American English Male
Then follow the Setting up MBROLA for FreeTTS guide.
Setup MBROLA Voices
Unzip the mbr301d files and copy the folders us1, us2 & us3 into the unzipped mbr301d folder:
Directory of C:UsersPhilDownloadsmbr301d
Test MBROLA Voices
Test the MBROLA voices from the command prompt:
cd C:UsersPhilDownloadsfreetts-1.2.2-binfreetts-1.2
java -Dmbrola.base="C:UsersPhilDownloadsmbr301d" -jar lib/mbrola.jar
You should see a description of each voice, e.g:
Name: mbrola_us1
Description: MBROLA Voice us1
Organization: mbrola
Domain: general
Locale: en_US
Style: standard
Gender: FEMALE
Pitch: 180.0
Pitch Range: 22.0
Pitch Shift: 1.0
Rate: 150.0
Volume: 1.0
Test FreeTTS Synthesis
At the command prompt run:
java -Dmbrola.base="C:UsersPhilDownloadsmbr301d" -jar lib/freetts.jar -voice kevin16 -dumpAudio 42.wav -text forty two