You can look into making calls to update the Windows registry.
For example,
REG.EXE add HKCUConsole /v QuickEdit /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
will set QuickEdit as the default mode for your command prompt.
It's easy to slap this line into a batch file, along with other settings.
add Keyname
will chose the Key name where to add the value, here HKEY_CURRENT_USERConsole
is followed by the name of the value to add
followed by its type
is followed by the data with which to set the name of the value
to force write in the registry without prompt
Likewise, you can modify WindowSize
which contains 0xhhhhwwww where the first four bytes is the value of the height in hexa (e.g. 0x003E for a height of 62 pixels) and www is the window's width. For your case:
REG.EXE add HKCUConsole /v WindowSize /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0028008c /f
Type REG /?
and REG add /?
for more options.