I'm a bit late but as said above it might help others with the same problem.
Guillotine gets the absolute image dimensions when initialized (that's why the image needs to be already loaded or cached) and after that everything is made relative to keep it responsive. If the images don't have the same dimensions you'll get broken aspect ratios and other unexpected behaviors.
So, if you have Guillotine working on an image and you want to swap that image, you should remove the existing instance of the plugin and create a new one over the new image so it can properly render such new image.
var pictures = $('.picture'),
gif = '' // 1x1 gif
// Guillotine loader
pictures.on('load', function() {
var img = $(this)
// Remove any existing instance
if (img.guillotine('instance')) img.guillotine('remove')
// Create new instance
img.guillotine({width: 400, height: 300})
// Bind buttons, only the first time!
if (! img.data('bindedBtns')) {
img.data('bindedBtns', true)
$('#rotate_left').click(function(){ img.guillotine('rotateLeft') })
$('#rotate_right').click(function(){ img.guillotine('rotateRight') })
// ...
// Swap images as needed.
// Each time you change a 'src' attribute the function above should run.
picture.on('click', function() { /* Swap thumbnail */ })
// Make sure that the 'onload' event is triggered at least once on each picture.
pictures.each(function() {
// Save the original src, replace it with the 1x1 gif and reload the original src.
if (this.complete !== false) { var src = this.src; this.src = gif; this.src = src }
The 'onload' handler serves two purposes, it loads guillotine the first time for each picture and reloads it everytime a picture is swapped.
Two important points to consider:
- Actions (rotate, zoom, etc.) should be binded only once to avoid problems like #5.
- You have to make sure that the script runs before each image finishes loading, or otherwise you won't have the plugin before swapping images (the last part of the script handles this).
Hope it helps.