Alright, so all hope is apparently lost for my git history (the .git file that I foolishly obliterated) -- HOWEVER! All hope has not ultimately been lost because following the sage advice of Lincoln Spector, I was able to recover all of my deleted working directories, most of which were in their most current state, and the rest of which (and I'm still incredibly grateful for these) were just a couple of days out of date. Recuva Portable, which was just one strategy recommended there, has just saved me several days of work and several million strands of hair.
Thanks for all the answers. I'm just throwing this in because the best I got told me to use System Recovery/Windows Backup/restore points of some form or another which would have been great if only I'd been using those features prophylactically. Alas, I was not. So I had to go the dirty route. So if anyone is smart enough to have already been using those features, by all means go the routes offered in the other answers, especially by Tone. If anyone is like me and failed both in the past and present, Recuva
worked great.