Take #1: Come up with a Nginx config that returns Ionic files when Rails signals it in a hidden manner. May be clumsy, so please feel free to offer criticism, pitfalls, or improvements.
Nginx config:
server {
# Development logging
access_log /home/builder/projects/web/log/access.log;
error_log /home/builder/projects/web/log/error.log notice;
listen 80;
server_name projects.host www.projects.host;
# Eusure Rails' index route gets uri "/" first.
index index.html;
# All API json calls and requests to Rails controllers.
location ~ ^/(.+.json$|others.*|users.*|index.html$) {
# Rails server
# The Rails server may request Ionic mobile website with a temporary redirect (status 307)
proxy_intercept_errors on;
error_page 307 = @temp_redirect;
# If a temporary redirect is to /mobile_web, response with Ionic mobile root.
location @temp_redirect {
if ($upstream_http_location ~ ^http.+//.+/mobile_web$) {
set $mobile true;
root /home/builder/projects/mobile/www;
# Something else, return it.
if ($mobile != true) {
return 307 $upstream_http_location;
# Ionic mobile root
location / {
root /home/builder/projects/mobile/www;
In RoR:
# Decide whether to handle the root action within Rails app or to
# signal the downstream server (nginx) to return Ionic mobile web.
def index
# TODO: Needs a bit of logic before the following redirect.
redirect_to '/mobile_web', status: :temporary_redirect # 307
Two birds with one APP :).