Given year and month as integers and assuming that Friday is the fifth day of the week in your locale (Monday is the first day of the week), you can have:
function getThirdFriday(year, month){
// Convert date to moment (month 0-11)
var myMonth = moment({year: year, month: month});
// Get first Friday of the first week of the month
var firstFriday = myMonth.weekday(4);
var nWeeks = 2;
// Check if first Friday is in the given month
if( firstFriday.month() != month ){
// Return 3rd Friday of the month formatted (custom format)
return firstFriday.add(nWeeks, 'weeks').format("DD MMMM YYYY");
If you have month and year as a string, you can use moment parsing functions instead of the Object notation, so you will have:
var myMonth = moment("October 2015", "MMMM yyyy");
If Friday is not the fifth day of the week (day with index 4), you can get the correct index using moment.weekdays()