A review of floating point scalar/vector processing on modern CPUs
The idea of vector processing dates back to old time vector processors, but these processors had been superseded by modern architectures with cache systems. So we focus on modern CPUs, especially x86 and x86-64. These architectures are the main stream in high performance scientific computing.
Since i386, Intel introduced the floating point stack where floating point numbers up to 80-bit wide can be held. This stack is commonly known as x87 or 387 floating point "registers", with a set of x87 FPU instructions. x87 stack are not real, directly addressable registers like general purpose registers, as they are on a stack. Access to register st(i) is by offsetting the stack top register %st(0) or simply %st. With help of an instruction FXCH which swaps the contents between current stack top %st and some offset register %st(i), random access can be achieved. But FXCH can impose some performance penalty, though minimized. x87 stack provides high precision computation by calculating intermediate results with 80 bits of precision by default, to minimise roundoff error in numerically unstable algorithms. However, x87 instructions are completely scalar.
The first effort on vectorization is the MMX instruction set, which implemented integer vector operations. The vector registers under MMX are 64-bit wide registers MMX0, MMX1, ..., MMX7. Each can be used to hold either 64-bit integers, or multiple smaller integers in a "packed" format. A single instruction can then be applied to two 32-bit integers, four 16-bit integers, or eight 8-bit integers at once. So now there are the legacy general purpose registers for scalar integer operations, as well as new MMX for integer vector operations with no shared execution resources. But MMX shared execution resources with scalar x87 FPU operation: each MMX register corresponded to the lower 64 bits of an x87 register, and the upper 16 bits of the x87 registers is unused. These MMX registers were each directly addressable. But the aliasing made it difficult to work with floating point and integer vector operations in the same application. To maximize performance, programmers often used the processor exclusively in one mode or the other, deferring the relatively slow switch between them as long as possible.
Later, SSE created a separate set of 128-bit wide registers XMM0–XMM7 along side of x87 stack. SSE instructions focused exclusively on single-precision floating-point operations (32-bit); integer vector operations were still performed using the MMX register and MMX instruction set. But now both operations can proceed at the same time, as they share no execution resources. It is important to know that SSE not only do floating point vector operations, but also floating point scalar operations. Essentially it provides a new place where floating operations take place, and the x87 stack is no longer prior choice to carry out floating operations. Using XMM registers for scalar floating point operations is faster than using x87 stack, as all XMM registers are easier to access, while the x87 stack can't be randomly accessed without FXCH. When I posted my question, I was clearly unaware of this fact. The other concept I was not clear about is that general purpose registers are integer/address registers. Even if they are 64-bit on x86-64, they can not hold 64-bit floating point. The main reason is that the execution unit associated with general purpose registers is ALU (arithmetic & logical unit), which is not for floating point computation.
SSE2 is a major progress, as it extends vector data type, so SSE2 instructions, either scalar or vector, can work with all C standard data type. Such extension in fact makes MMX obsolete. Also, x87 stack is no long as important as it once was. Since there are two alternative places where floating point operations can take place, you can specify your option to the compiler. For example for GCC, compilation with flag
will schedule floating point operations on the legacy x87 stack. Note that this seems to be the default for 32-bit x86, even if SSE is already available. For example, I have an Intel Core2Duo laptop made in 2007, and it was already equipped with SSE release up to version SSE4, while GCC will still by default use x87 stack, which makes scientific computations unnecessarily slower. In this case, we need compile with flag
and GCC will schedule floating point operations on XMM registers. 64-bit x86-64 user needs not worry about such configuration as this is default on x86-64. Such signal will only affect scalar floating point operation. If we have written code using vector instructions and compiler the code with flag
then XMM registers will be the only place where computation can take place. In other words, this flags turns on -mfpmath=sse. For more information see GCC's configuration of x86, x86-64. For examples of writing SSE2 C code, see my other post How to ask GCC to completely unroll this loop (i.e., peel this loop)?.
SSE set of instructions, though very useful, are not the latest vector extensions. The AVX, advanced vector extensions enhances SSE by providing 3-operands and 4 operands instructions. See number of operands in instruction set if you are unclear of what this means. 3-operands instruction optimizes the commonly seen fused multiply-add (FMA) operation in scientific computing by 1) using 1 fewer register; 2) reducing the explicit amount of data movement between registers; 3) speeding up FMA computations in itself. For example of using AVX, see @Nominal Animal's answer to my post.