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in Technique[技术] by (71.8m points)

performance - Highlighting text in document (JavaScript) Efficiently

How can I (efficiently - not slowing the computer [cpu]) highlight a specific part of a page?

Lets say that my page is as so:

"My generic words would be selected here" !.
//highlight code here
var textToHighlight = 'selected here" !';
//what sould I write here?

My idea is to "clone" all the body into a variable and find via indexOf the specified text, change(insert a span with a background-color) the "cloned" string and replace the "real" body with the "cloned" one.
I just think that it isn't efficient.
Do you have any other ideas? (be creative :) )

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1 Answer

0 votes
by (71.8m points)

I've adapted the following from my answers to several similar questions on SO (example). It's designed to be reusable and has proved to be so. It traverses the DOM within a container node you specify, searching each text node for the specified text and using DOM methods to split the text node and surround the relevant chunk of text in a styled <span> element.

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/HqjZa/


// Reusable generic function
function surroundInElement(el, regex, surrounderCreateFunc) {
    // script and style elements are left alone
    if (!/^(script|style)$/.test(el.tagName)) {
        var child = el.lastChild;
        while (child) {
            if (child.nodeType == 1) {
                surroundInElement(child, regex, surrounderCreateFunc);
            } else if (child.nodeType == 3) {
                surroundMatchingText(child, regex, surrounderCreateFunc);
            child = child.previousSibling;

// Reusable generic function
function surroundMatchingText(textNode, regex, surrounderCreateFunc) {
    var parent = textNode.parentNode;
    var result, surroundingNode, matchedTextNode, matchLength, matchedText;
    while ( textNode && (result = regex.exec(textNode.data)) ) {
        matchedTextNode = textNode.splitText(result.index);
        matchedText = result[0];
        matchLength = matchedText.length;
        textNode = (matchedTextNode.length > matchLength) ?
            matchedTextNode.splitText(matchLength) : null;
        surroundingNode = surrounderCreateFunc(matchedTextNode.cloneNode(true));
        parent.insertBefore(surroundingNode, matchedTextNode);

// This function does the surrounding for every matched piece of text
// and can be customized  to do what you like
function createSpan(matchedTextNode) {
    var el = document.createElement("span");
    el.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
    return el;

// The main function
function wrapText(container, text) {
    surroundInElement(container, new RegExp(text, "g"), createSpan);

wrapText(document.body, "selected here");

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