Don't forget to reclaim the memory from tsl so it won't leak.
It seems you're came from some garbage-collected language, lazy oen where u do not think about memory at all, like PHP or Python.
So you'd better read Delphi help about objects and their life, or read some book liek Delphi Foundations.
Until that... Variant 3: Since you seems not having the required skill to control and manage lifetime of objects, then use reference-counted types, like arrays or interfaces, for which Delphi controls their lifetime more or less.
Elaborating from the answers from Split a string into an array of strings based on a delimiter you can draft few variants, for example:
var sda: TStringDynArray;
sda := SplitString(LineOfText, ':' );
Assignfile ( filehan2, 'FSTRING.txt');
Rewrite ( filehand2 );
WriteLN (filehan2, sda[0]); WriteLN (filehan2, sda[1]);
Okay - since you told you have old Delphi 7 - you do not have SplitString function there. But you can spare few minutes and make one.
You also can get helpful Jedi CodeLib library from
var isl1, isl2: IJclStringList;
isl1 := TJclStringList.Create;
isl2 := TJclStringList.Create.Split(isl1[0], ':');
isl1.Clear.Add( [ isl2[0], isl2[1] ] ).SaveToFile('FSTRING.txt');
With the sample like 300: rani : joseph: 210: 500 : 700
it seems you have a lot of spaces around real data.
Then you should trim those spaces off. Like WriteLN (filehan2, Trim( sda[0] ));
or like isl1.Clear.Add( [ Trim( isl2[0] ),.....
Read manuals about Trim
If the line has the number 210
Then check it, just with "if" statement;
var isl1, isl2, isl3: IJclStringList;
EveryLine: string; i: integer;
isl1 := TJclStringList.Create;
isl2 := TJclStringList.Create;
isl3 := TJclStringList.Create;
// for EveryLine in isl1 do begin
// - this works in free Lazarus or modern Delphi, but not in D7 }
for i := 0 to isl1.Count - 1 do begin;
EveryString := isl1[i];
isl2.Split(EveryString, ':').Trim;
if isl2.Count >= 4 then // does 3rd element even exist ???
if StrToIntDef( isl2[3], -1 ) = 210 then
isl3.Clear.Add( [ isl2[0], isl2[1] ] ).SaveToFile('FSTRING.txt');
end; // for
end; // function