I am currently trying to build a Hugo website ( using the Academic template ) and I want to add some kind of page containing updates on my interactions on some websites such as Reddit, Quora, Github, and the StackExchange network. My main idea on how to implement this is to use RSS to aggregate my user activity feeds from my accounts on these sites and then somehow input the resulting feed to Hugo.
As a emacs (and elfeed) user, the only way of doing that that I can imagine is to use org-feed to agrregate my activity in a org-file and then use
ox-hugo to export that org file as a section for my blog.
I seached the web for something similar and the closest I got was this section from the Hugo docs but I can't really undestand it. I think they are talking about providing a RSS feed, which is not my intention (at least for now)
As I'm not any kind of expert in web development and don't even know how the tools I'm planning to use work in the backgroud, I need some advice here.
First of all, am I sane? Does my ideas make any sense? Is there a trivial way of doing so that I'm not aware of? Does anyone have any examples of a similar feature from where I can take some inspiration?
Thanks for your attention.