I need to sort inner object sort of a class with mongo db. i need to sort based on marks
Sample Json:
Here is the class:
public class Student
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public ICollection <Students> Students { get; set; }
public class Students
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Marks{ get; set; }
public IActionResult Index()
//Get the database connection
mongoDatabase = GetMongoDatabase();
var x = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<Student>("student").Find(FilterDefinition<Student>.Empty).ToList();
var _dbContext = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<Student>("student");
// mongo db document collection student class students objects need to sort based on marks.
.Sort(x=> x.students.marks).Skip((page-1)*pageSize).Limit(100);
.ToList(); -- how to do that sort in this line
var result = _dbContext.Aggregate<Student>().Sort(new BsonDocument("Marks", 1)).ToList();
return View(result);
Don't provide linq Solution to convert asQuerable operators to do LINQ queries. This question is only based on an understanding of MongoDB aggregation sort and how to use that in C#
No forum has any reference for internal objects sorting with c#.There are lots of examples of C# mongodb sorting without aggragtion
I have aggregation sort mongo shell query .. don't know to implement that in c#