How can I get JenkinsPipelineUnit to intercept both text() and string() param calls? I have code that triggers a build with a few params. I want to write a nice unit test to check that it does what it should. However, the string() calls are not intercepted so I cannot test them. I can test the text() call.
Yes, it is possible to write unit tests for Jenkins pipeline code vs testing via jenkins production jobs. This project + shared libraries makes jenkins into a much better tool.
Any ideas on how I could do this? I looked in the JenkinsPipelineUnit project but didn't find an example that fit and couldn't figure out where to look in the runtime objects.
I do see that the project's BasePipelineTest.groovy links string to its stringInterceptor which seems to just eat it the string. Maybe, I can unregister theirs...
def triggeringParams = [:]
for (def param in ['text', 'string']) {
helper.registerAllowedMethod(param, [LinkedHashMap],
{ LinkedHashMap data ->
triggeringParams << data
thisScript = helper.loadScript('''
package resources
return this''')
def params = []
params << thisScript.text(name: 'MULTILINE_PARAM', value: '
params << thisScript.string(name: 'STRING_PARAM', value: 'a string') 'myJob', parameters: params)
println triggeringParams
[name:JOB_PROPERTIES, value: