There seems to be some confusion on how to handle properties and local variables, you have for instance 1 property and 2 local variables named questionNumber
and you are also iterating the whole dictionary when as I see it you only want one question.
One way to get away from this and a solution that is also good for other reason like not doing everything in your controller class and separating responsibilities is to move the questions and handling of them into a separate struct or class.
Let's create a Questions
struct that holds the questions, keeps track of what questions has been asked and can deliver the next question to ask.
struct Questions {
private randomQuestions: [Int : String] = [
1: "Did you already agree to attend?",
2: "Does it cost money to attend?",
3: "Is it time consuming (4+ hours)?"
private var questionIndex = 0
mutating func nextQuestion() -> (number: Int, question: String?) {
questionIndex += 1
return (questionIndex, randomQuestions[questionIndex])
Note the question mark for the string in the return tuple, if no questions exists for a index (questionIndex > 3) the question returned will be nil
(注意返回元组中字符串的问号,如果索引不存在任何问题(questionIndex> 3),则返回的问题为nil)
Then you can use it in you code like this, first declare it as a property in your VC
var questions = Questions()
Then when getting the question
switch questionTypeReceived {
case "Random":
questionsImageView.image = UIImage(named: randomImages.randomElement()!)
let nextQuestion = question.nextQuestion()
if let question = nextQuestion.question {
questionTitleLabel.text = "Question #(nextQuestion.number)"
questionsTextLabel.text = question
} else {
// no more questions to ask, this needs to be handled
default: return
So a little more work to write a new struct but your code in the VC becomes simpler and a lot of properties and variables are no longer needed.