I know I'm probably missing something really super basic here, I'm trying to run a graphql query with vue-apollo... if I use tags, it works fine
If I try to run queries from inside my code, like in the basic examples in the docs (links below) then nothing happens.
The server never receives any request, and this.$apollo.queries is empty.) (服务器从不接收任何请求,并且此。$ apollo.queries为空。))
Basic examples from the docs:
I've defined the query in the "apollo" property/object... how do I actually execute it when the page loads?
(我已经在“ apollo”属性/对象中定义了查询...页面加载后如何实际执行查询?)
Note that I'm using typescript, which is why it's using a " get apollo()
" method. (请注意,我使用的是打字稿,这就是为什么它使用“ get apollo()
Here's my code...
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'
export default class List extends Vue {
myQueryName='my default value';
get apollo() {
return {
myQueryName: {
query: require('../graphql/listMeta.graphql'),
// prefetch: true <-- tried with and without this
<!-- THIS DOESN"T WORK ... -->
queries are: {{this.$apollo.queries}} <!-- THIS JUST SHOWS AN EMPTY OBJECT: {} -->
myQueryName value is: {{myQueryName}} <!-- THIS JUST SHOWS "my default value" -->
<ApolloQuery :query="this.apollo.myQueryName.query" >
<template slot-scope="{ result: { loading, error, data } }"></template>
Note that this.$apollo.queries is empty in the template, probably a clue... but still no idea why its empty.
(请注意,模板中的this。$ apollo.queries是空的,可能是一个线索……但是仍然不知道为什么它为空。)
From the docs and examples I've seen it should be populated from my get apollo
data method. (从文档和示例中,我已经看到应该从我的get apollo
Looks basically the same as https://github.com/OniVe/vue-apollo-typescript-example/blob/master/pages/index.vue as far as I can tell, I don't know what the difference is.
I've tried rebuilding the project from scratch multiple times (with and without nuxt), over teh course of months and many different versions of vue/nuxt/apollo/vue-apollo... the queries never run (from memory) unless I use tags.
(我已经尝试了几个月(使用和不使用nuxt)从头开始多次重建项目,历时数月,并且使用了许多不同版本的vue / nuxt / apollo / vue-apollo ...查询永远不会(从内存中)运行,除非我使用标签。)
What am I missing?
ask by LaVache translate from so