Looks like my vscode refuse to give me auto-completion on .graphql file import path… Do you have any idea why ?(好像我的vscode拒绝给我自动完成.graphql文件导入路径的步骤……您知道为什么吗?)
I've specific Gql extension activated…(我已激活特定的Gql扩展程序…)
Name: GraphQL for VSCode
Id: kumar-harsh.graphql-for-vscode
Description: GraphQL syntax highlighting, linting, auto-complete, and more!
Version: 1.15.3
Publisher: Kumar Harsh
VS Marketplace Link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=kumar-harsh.graphql-for-vscode
Also definition TS(也定义TS)
declare module '*/get-course.gql' {
import { DocumentNode } from 'graphql';
const defaultDocument: DocumentNode;
export const GetCourses: DocumentNode;
export default defaultDocument;
It doesn't give auto-complete in js file neither…(它也不会在js文件中提供自动完成功能…)
Thank in advance…(预先感谢…)
ask by ScreamZ translate from so