def fast_mul(a, b, s, d):
if b == 1:
print(s,a,') '*d)
return a
if even(b):
print(s+f'2 * fast_mul({a}, {b//2})',') '*d)
return 2 * fast_mul(a, b//2, s+'2 * ( ',d+1)
if odd(b):
print(s+f'{a} + 2 * fast_mul({a}, {b//2})', ') '*d)
return a + 2 * fast_mul(a, b//2,s+f'{a} + 2 * ( ',d+1)
def even(n):
return n % 2 == 0
def odd(n):
return n % 2 == 1
print(fast_mul(3, 7,'',0))
I added two more parameters in the function, s and d.
s stores the string that's carried over from the previous recursion call
d stores the depth of recursion so we can figure out how many closing brackets to add to the string.