<a href='../../include/Query.php?
deletepro=yes&proID=".$row['proID']."&proName=".$row['proName']."' onClick= 'confirmation()'><i
class='fas fa-trash-alt' style='color:Gray' ></i></a>
//Delete Data of a product
function confirmation
var r= confirm('you want to delete?')
if(r== "true"){
if (isset($_GET['deletepro'])){
if($_GET['deletepro'] == 'yes' AND $_GET['proID'] !=''){
//$sql = "DELETE from main where userid =".$_GET['userid'];
$sql= "UPDATE products SET proDeleted=1 where proID= ".$_GET['proID'];
$query=mysqli_query($con, $sql);
if ($query) {
echo "<script> alert('".$_GET['proName']." delete Successfully');
window.location.href = '../admin/pages/products.php';</script>";
echo "error while deleting";
The first popup shows then if a user clicks on ok then delete the product.
I Don't know how to embed or show a popup msg so please someone help to solve my problem. Thanks