On the advice of TheZadok42 I installed PyCharm 2020.3.3 on both my Windows machine and my Raspberry PI 4. I have also bought and installed the FreeNove Ultimate Starter Kit for Raspberry on both. The first tutorial lesson is Blink.py, which just blinks an LED. It works fine if I just run "python Blink.py". However, when trying to run it from PyCharm it complains: "No module named 'RPI'" in reference to the line that says "import RPi.GPIO as GPIO". How do I get PyCharm to find it? Please note that I am not well-versed in Linux, having grown up in the MS-DOS then Windows world, so please make installation instructions or configuration file edit instructions complete.
You can open settings, window like this, press "+" and then find add install RPi.GPIO for your project virtual env
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