npm run dev 运行报这个错是配置的哪里错了
Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.
- configuration[0].entry should be one of these:
object { : non-empty string | [non-empty string] } | non-empty string | [non-empty string] | function
The entry point(s) of the compilation.
* configuration[0].entry['index/nav'] should be a string.
* configuration[0].entry['index/nav'][2] should be a string.
* configuration[0].entry['index/nav'] should be one of these:
non-empty string | [non-empty string]
* configuration[0].entry should be a string.
* configuration[0].entry should be an array:
[non-empty string]
* configuration[0].entry should be an instance of function
function returning an entry object or a promise..
### 题目描述
### 题目来源及自己的思路
### 相关代码
### 你期待的结果是什么?实际看到的错误信息又是什么?