I have a graph whitch showing me the unique visitors based on IP group by date (today every hour).
Now I want to seperate this data to new visitors and returning visitors bases on IP and session_id and group them by date (today every hour). How can I do this with a SQL query? Is it even possible?
The query should look in the tabel if an IP with session_id is already there. Then it is a returning visitor. Otherwise it is a new visitor. I don't know how to do that.
Query I have to count the unique IP's and group them by every hour today:
SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(`date`, '%Y-%m-%d %H') as 'dates', COUNT(DISTINCT `ip`) as 'count' FROM `logging` WHERE DATE(date) = DATE(NOW()) GROUP BY `dates`
Now it is showing me:
Dates Count
2021-02-04 00 10
2021-02-04 01 8
2021-02-04 02 5
What I want is:
Dates Count new IP Count returning IP
2021-02-04 00 2 8
2021-02-04 01 4 4
2021-02-04 02 2 3
New IP: Check if IP is stored in the table with only one known session_id.
Returning IP: Check if IP is stored in the table with more than one different session_id's.
Many thanks in advance!
Now I have the following query to count the returning visitors today:
SELECT date, ip, count(distinct ip, session_id) as 'count' FROM logging GROUP BY ip HAVING count > 1 AND date(date) = date(now())
Result for example:
date ip count (returning visitors)
2021-02-05 08:24:56 2
2021-02-05 10:24:15 6
2021-02-05 08:49:51 13
How can I change this query to group them by date to get this?:
date count (returning visitors)
2021-02-05 08 15
2021-02-05 10 6
Thanks to Tsungur I've gote the following query but it shows me different results each time I run it.
select DATE_FORMAT([date], '%Y-%m-%d %H') as [date] , count(*) from ( SELECT [date], ip, count(distinct ip, session_id) as 'count' FROM logging GROUP BY ip HAVING count(distinct ip, session_id) > 1 AND date(date) = date(now())
) as sub
group by DATE_FORMAT([date], '%Y-%m-%d %H')
Here some data to play with:
ID session_id ip date
10752 454747k5k45l23h3b5n6k432nn 2021-01-01 09:15:54
10950 kmcoq3glgm187uhsfmo3r71h9q 2021-02-11 13:19:22
10958 kmcoq3glgm187uhsfmo3r71h9q 2021-02-12 12:10:52
10960 dfh78dfh7fdh7fdh6sd55dsd88 2021-02-12 13:00:02
10967 87s97sfh57sh6sh6s6sdsd44d3 11.56.873.560 2021-02-13 13:00:00
10968 rkdrgjsd7gjsd5jskjd46kjdsk 2021-02-13 13:01:00
10977 rkdrgjsd7gjsd5jskjd46kjdsk 2021-02-13 13:03:11
10978 dfajesj9sdj0dfh78sgd57sd5d 2021-02-13 13:05:12
10979 fhdf7f7hdf6fd44fdf3ffdf321 2021-02-13 14:05:02
10980 fhdf7f7hdf6fd44fdf3ffdf321 2021-02-13 14:06:13
The above data should show me:
date count (new visitor)
2021-02-13 13 2
2021-02-13 14 0
date count (returning visitor)
2021-02-13 13 1
2021-02-13 14 1
question from: