You don't need some of those arguments your passing to brew to get the latest
emacs 26.1. Try the following
Remove emacs
brew uninstall emacs
Clean out any previously downloaded source files
brew cleanup
Check your brew installation is OK
brew doctor
The message you get when you run emacs --version indicates a partially installed version of emacs 24. Running brew doctor should help identify the problems.
Make sure your running the most recent brew
brew update
Upgrade any brew stuff you have in case any of them are pre-requisites
brew upgrade
then install emacs with
brew install emacs --with-cocoa --with-librsvg --with-imagemagick@6
Watch for messages from brew. During the install, brew use to advise running
brew linkapps emacs
afterwards to make sure the new version is linked to the /Applications folder
correctly. I suspect this may have been the missing step in your install. While the brew manual suggests this command is deprecated, it also says to use a cask version instead. I found some issues with the cask version, so prefer to use the locally built vers (cask version uses emacsforosx binaries). It isn't clear if you should still run linkapps when using the non cask version - however, the install should tell you, so make sure you look at all the output (the message is not at the end, but further up in the install process output).
The other arguments you had are only necessary if you want to install the latest
development version, which is not a good idea if your just starting out. all you
want is emacs 26.1
Make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your path before /usr/bin to avoid emacs
referencing the very old version of Emacs bundled with OSX.