Im trying to make this operation in java:
$match: { gtin: { $in: ["7890203", "7890204" ]}}}])
_id: "$gtin",
status: {$last: "$status"},
createdDate: {$last: "$createdDate"}
This return only the last document for given gtins. (Thats my goal).
The java code:
Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("gtin").in(gtinList);
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(
Aggregation.match(criteria),"_id", "gtin")
mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, "product", Product.class).getMappedResults();
It return all the documents for the given gtins (i want only the last one based on createdDate).
I tried another approach for group like this:"_id", "gtin")))
But i got an exception :nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid hexadecimal representation of an ObjectId: [9788580414851]
Same if i take out "_id" from group.
Can anyone help me achieve this?
Thanks in advance.