To logout from the application which uses facebook graph API, use this JavaScript on the logout page just after the <form>
// initialize the library with your Facebook API key
FB.init({ apiKey: 'b65c1efa72f570xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' });
//Fetch the status so that we can log out.
//You must have the login status before you can logout,
//and if you authenticated via oAuth (server side), this is necessary.
//If you logged in via the JavaScript SDK, you can simply call FB.logout()
//once the login status is fetched, call handleSessionResponse
//handle a session response from any of the auth related calls
function handleSessionResponse(response) {
//if we dont have a session (which means the user has been logged out, redirect the user)
if (!response.session) {
window.location = "/mysite/Login.aspx";
//if we do have a non-null response.session, call FB.logout(),
//the JS method will log the user out of Facebook and remove any authorization cookies
The code works and is live on my site.