The best and clean way to implement error_messages in your form is by implementing error_messages in a FormBuilder.
For example, here is the error_messages method I've implemented for my last project.
By implemeting your own FormBuilder you can follow the rules and styles of your webdesigner...
Here is an example that will output the errors list in ul/li's with some custom styles :
class StandardBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
def error_messages
return unless object.respond_to?(:errors) && object.errors.any?
errors_list = ""
errors_list << @template.content_tag(:span, "There are errors!", :class => "title-error")
errors_list << { |message| @template.content_tag(:li, message) }.join("
@template.content_tag(:ul, errors_list.html_safe, :class => "error-recap round-border")
Then in my forms :
= f.error_messages
And that's all.