I'm using Requirejs
to load the JavaScript in our web app. The issues is that I'm getting an undefined
object being passed to a module which, when used in other modules, is instantiated perfectly fine.
OK, here's the setup. My main.js
file which requirejs runs on startup:
baseUrl: "/scripts",
paths: {
demographics: "Demographics/demographics",
complaints: "Complaints/complaints",
require(["templates", "demographics", "complaints", "crossDomain"], function (templates, demographics, complaints) {
"use strict";
console.log(demographics === undefined);
A lot of the config has been stripped to just the core files in this problem.
Here's Demographics.js
define(["ko", "templates", "complaints", "globals", "underscore"], function (ko, templates, complaints, globals) {
// Stuff removed.
return {
View: view
and Complaints.js
function (demographics, ko, templates, complaints, visualeffects, globals, webservice) {
"use strict";
console.log(demographics === undefined);
return {
View: view
The problem is this - in Complaints.js
the demographics
parameter passed via the define
config is undefined
. The console log out tells me that "demographics === undefined" is true
However, when the main.js file executes, the demographics parameter passed to it is not undefined, it is, as expected, an instantiated object.
Now I'm stuck since I can't see why in complaints.js
that demographics variable is undefined. Can anyone spot what I'm missing please?
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