I'm sorry you can't reproduce the results. However, on a MacBook Air (1.8 GHz i7, 4 GB RAM) with a 2 GB heap, GCR cache, but no warming of caches, and no other tuning, with a similarly sized dataset (1 million users, 50 friends per person), I repeatedly get approx 900 ms using the Traversal Framework on 1.9.2:
public class FriendOfAFriendDepth4
private static final TraversalDescription traversalDescription =
.uniqueness( Uniqueness.NODE_GLOBAL )
.relationships( withName( "FRIEND" ), Direction.OUTGOING )
.evaluator( new Evaluator()
public Evaluation evaluate( Path path )
if ( path.length() >= 4 )
return Evaluation.INCLUDE_AND_PRUNE;
return Evaluation.EXCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE;
} );
private final Index<Node> userIndex;
public FriendOfAFriendDepth4( GraphDatabaseService db )
this.userIndex = db.index().forNodes( "user" );
public Iterator<Path> getFriends( String name )
return traversalDescription.traverse(
userIndex.get( "name", name ).getSingle() )
public int countFriends( String name )
return count( traversalDescription.traverse(
userIndex.get( "name", name ).getSingle() )
.nodes().iterator() );
Cypher is slower, but nowhere near as slow as you suggest: approx 3 seconds:
START person=node:user(name={name})
MATCH (person)-[:FRIEND]->()-[:FRIEND]->()-[:FRIEND]->()-[:FRIEND]->(friend)
RETURN count(friend)
Kind regards