I am trying to re-order the sequence of rows in my plot using xarray. The variable assigned to the row is scen_new and has 4 levels (0,1,2,3). The code is plotting it in ascending order. I want to plot one specific order or rows: 0,2,3,1. Do you know how to do that? I tried also using 'row_order' but did not work.
Here is the structure of my xarray dataset (data2)
#Plotting mean biomass
a = df.groupby(['irr', 'lat', 'lon', 'cultivar'],as_index=False).mean()
map_proj = ccrs.Mercator(central_longitude=-95)
p = data2.biomass.mean(dim=('time'), skipna=True).plot(x='lon', y='lat', col='irr', row='scen_new',
subplot_kws={'projection': map_proj}, vmin=a.biomass.quantile(0.001),
figsize=(10,16), #rasterized=True
# The remaining kwargs customize the plot just as for not-faceted plots
"orientation": "vertical",
"shrink": 0.7,
"aspect": 25,
"pad": 0.05, #distance of colorbar to plot
"label": "Biomass ($kg,ha^{-1}$)"}, zorder=1, add_colorbar=False, label=False)
def area(ax, iso, clr) :
shp = shpreader.natural_earth(resolution='10m',category='cultural',
reader = shpreader.Reader(shp)
for n in reader.records() :
if n.attributes['ADM0_A3'] == iso:
ax.add_geometries(n.geometry, ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor=clr,
alpha = 1.00, linewidth =0.01, edgecolor = "white",
return ax
iso3 = ['CAN', 'MEX']
for value in iso3 :
area(ax, value, "white")
for ax in p.axes.flat:
gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), linewidth=0.01, color='w', alpha=0, linestyle='-',
draw_labels=False,dms=True, x_inline=False, y_inline=False)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE, color='k')
ax.add_feature(cfeature.STATES, linewidth=0.1, zorder=3)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.OCEAN, color='white', zorder=2)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAKES, color='white', zorder=1.5)
ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS, color='grey')
ax.set_extent([-125, -75, 25.3, 46.5], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
gl.xlabels_top = False
gl.ylabels_right = False
area(ax, value, "white")
#Adjust colorbar and subplots
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=-0.75)
p.add_colorbar(orientation='vertical', pad=0.04, shrink=0.4, aspect=25, label='Mean Biomass ($kg,ha^{-1}$)')
This is the output: Maps of crop biomass for two irrigations (1 and 2) and four scen_new levels (0,1,2,3)
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