EDIT: Some people have downvoted this answer. That may be for a variety of reasons, but if it is because it does not apply to the answer I criticized (no one left a comment to explain the decision), they should take note that W. Stribizew changed the code two months after I wrote this, and I was unaware of it until today, 2021-01-18. The rest of the answer is unchanged from when I first wrote it.
@stribizhev's solution has quadratic worst case complexity for sane regular expressions. For insane ones (e.g. "y*"), it doesn't terminate. In some applications, these issues could be DoS attacks waiting to happen. Here's a fixed version:
string str("abcdefabcghiabc");
int i = 0;
regex rgx1("abc");
smatch smtch;
auto beg = str.cbegin();
while (regex_search(beg, str.cend(), smtch, rgx1)) {
std::cout << i << ": " << smtch[0] << std::endl;
i += 1;
if ( smtch.length(0) > 0 )
std::advance(beg, smtch.length(0));
else if ( beg != str.cend() )
According to my personal preference, this will find n+1 matches of an empty regex in a string of length n. You might also just exit the loop after an empty match.
If you want to compare the performance for a string with millions of matches, add the following lines after the definition of str
(and don't forget to turn on optimizations), once for each version:
for (int j = 0; j < 20; ++j)
str = str + str;