Ok, here's the revised (exact) script with notes and sample output. Note: you'll have to change the items that are specific to my machine!
$Drives = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider 'FileSystem'
$Filename = "*" #for all or "*partial name*"
$IncludeExt = $Null #for no ext. or "*.csv","*.docx",etc...
$StartDate = '01/1/2020' #to ignore this use 1/1/1920
#For latest date use below otherwise specify date.
$EndDate = (Get-Date).ToShortDateString()
#Note: below uses only 3rd drive in the array remove [2] for all.
$GCIArgs = @{Path = $Drives[2].Root
Recurse = $True
If ($Null -ne $IncludeExt) {
Get-ChildItem @GCIArgs |
Where-Object {($_.BaseName -Like $Filename) -and
($_.lastwritetime -ge $StartDate) -and
($_.lastwritetime -le $EndDate) } |
$Item = $_.Basename
$Path = $_.FullName
$Type = $_.Extension
$Type = & {if($_.PSIsContainer){"Folder"}else{$_.Extension}}
$Age = $_.CreationTime
$Path | Select-Object @{n="Name" ;e={$Item}},
@{n="Created" ;e={$Age}} ,
@{n="filePath" ;e={$Path}},
} | Export-Csv -LiteralPath 'G:BEKDocsFFNew.csv' -NoTypeInformation
- $IncludeExt is specified as $Null if it is not used and if used the list is like this ".csv",".docx"
- $Filename is specified as "*" for all filenames. Also changed the test from -match to -like so partial filenames should include *, e.g. "partial name".
- Notice I changed the location of the check for Extensions to use the -Include parameter of the Get-ChildItem vs checking in the Where-Object.
- Changed the piping of data to successive Where-Object clauses and replaced with -and operator, same effect and more efficient.
- Changed the test for Directories to use the PSIsContainer property, couldn't see where you were getting the value for $Folder.
- Removed the continuation characters from the Select-Object as the comma serves that purpose and is cleaner.
Sample output on Single drive (per code shown above) with some lines hidden for space considerations but notice the last line number.
Sample output on all drives (code edited as per comment in code), again lines hidden for space but showing multiple drives and final line number.